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Ginger Lemon


  • Fresh ginger – Two big pieces
  • Fresh Lemon – 4 or 5
  • Sugar – 1 cup
  • Water – 1 cup


  1. Scrap the skin from the ginger and cut it into small pieces. Put it in a mixie and grind to a fine paste. You can add little water while grinding to a get a smooth paste.
  2. Cut the lemon into two and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Make sure the quantity of the ginger paste and lemon juice should be equal. For half cup paste, the lemon juice should be half cup. Quantity of sugar should be double the ginger paste.
  4. Put the water in a vessel and bring to boil. When it starts boiling, add sugar and stir well. Keep it in medium flame and stir continuously till the sugar melts completely. Then add ginger paste and mix well. Allow to boil. Do not over boil. Just allow one boil. Remove from stove and strain it. Keep it aside till it is cooled well. Then add lemon juice and stir well. Now the colour of the ginger juice will turn light pink. Store it in a bottle and keep it in a refrigerator. It will stay good for a month.
  5. Whenever you require, put two to three tablespoon of this juice in a glass and add a small glass of ice cold water, stir well and serve.
  6. Tips: If you require more sweet, you can add a tablespoon of honey or Palm Jaggery (Panag Kalkandu) in this juice. If you do not have both, just add a teaspoon of sugar while serving.
  7. Nannaari Sarbat

  8. I used to add a teaspoon of “Nannaari Syrup” in the above juice to get the extra flavor and colour.

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