Kovaikai, also known as “Gherkin”, “Ivy Gourd”, or “Tindora”, is not commonly known in Southern Tamilnadu. However, once its nutritional benefits became known—being low in carbohydrates, high in fiber, and excellent for diabetics—its use has become more regular in Tamilnadu. Diabetics can prepare a stir-fry using only kovaikai, while others may choose to cook it with a variety of other vegetables.
This dish pairs well with both rice and chapati.
Hi kamala,
Tried this yesterday.I was intrigued by the combo of vegetables and that is what prompted me to try it out.It was tasty and family enjoyed it:-)
Thanks for your innovative combos!
Thank you Gayuu for your kind feed back.
Hi Madam,
Today i tried your tomato bath. It came out well. can you please tell me this kovakkai potato stir fry for how many servings?
Hi Gayathri,
You can serve 4 to 5 persons.
i never knew we could avial with kovakai