“Theeyal” is a traditional dish from Kerala, reminiscent of Tamil Nadu’s “Kuzhambu”. The key distinction lies in the preparation method – in Theeyal, all the spices and coconut are fried until they turn a rich brown color, then ground into a fine paste before being added to the Kuzhambu. This flavorful dish can be made with various vegetables or simply with sambar onions.
This delicious theeyal dish is best enjoyed with steaming hot rice and a side of crispy fried papad or a flavorful vegetable poriyal. Check out this link for a tasty mixed vegetable fry recipe to complement your meal: Mixed Vegetable Fry Recipe.
never heard of this will surely try.looks yummy!
Hi Uma shankar,
Please try and let me know your feed back.
Very simple words to get through.thank u.
Can u mention me the quantities to prepare for 200 members
Hi Prabhakaran,
Thank you for visiting my site. It depends upon the menu which you are preparing for 200 people. And also the type of serving buffet or leaf service. If I give me more info on this, I can calculate and let you know.
we call it as ‘puli kuzhambu’ in our side..
hey kamal, made this recipe yesterday and my family loved it.. its yum.. 🙂 thanks for this wonderful recipe.. can u share any recipe that can keep us warm in rainy season
Hi Teju,
Thank you for your kind words. To keep us warm in rainy season, you can add black pepper in your dishes. You can make “Pepper Kuzhambu” and any other Kara Kuzhambu.
Nice taste really good